With Your Tides I Turn (Poem)
Dear Water,
With your tides I turn
These lessons have I learned
Your morning dew is an invitation
To start our day with shining brilliance
Your fluid geometry illuminates our humble creations
Like the glimmer on a spider’s web
Your ripples are nature’s messenger
That we might only break stillness with perfect equanimity
Your colors remind us
That only with rain may we find rainbows
Your smell instructs us
To find the life within emptiness
When your streams are met with stones
You teach us to bend around our obstacles with the virtue of non-resistance
Your oceans whisper in our ears
That serene tranquility awaits
When we take a deep breath And go down deeper
Urine means letting go
No explanation needed there
May we rest in between the space of perfect form
And radical imperfection
Like the patterned flow of your mysterious waves
What is the sound of true healing
If not the trickle of your brook
On its quest to rejoin the ocean?
May we be reminded
That you are the thread that weaves together this tapestry of life
And that my body
Is the canvas
How quick we are to sip your bounty
Through the teet of a plastic straw
And in dilution of coca cola syrup
Wonder how we forgot the taste of life itself
How bizarre a gesture
To thank the host that gave us life
By spilling our muck into your oceanic womb
Infecting the lives of our underwater family
And with pride and fancy suits we order the buttered Red Snapper
Forgetting that it’s us who we truly poison
How quick we are to forget that it’s not just hydration
But your wisdom that we drink
And your wisdom that we dehydrate ourselves of
Dear water
May we flow back in to the source of your life force
Like a humble fountain that fills itself up
With the strength to shape mountains
And the gentleness to feed a butterfly
Dear water
With your tides I turn
These lessons have I learned